Happy Hectic Holidays!

The holiday season can be the best and worst time for all of us. It can bring us together as families & friends and make us go out of our way to help others. It can also drive us absolutely crazy from the amount of money we spend, relatives we have to please and...

Overcome It All

At times we live in a violent and troubled world. It seems we all have points where we struggle with the idea of morals, our personal set of beliefs that we follow on a day to day basis. Those lines we are willing to live our lives between and still be able to sleep...

Take a Stance: Stop the Pantyhose

I’m a woman who grew up playing sports, tagging along with my brothers and having majority male friends, but over the years I’ve learned how to be comfortable with my gender and everything it brings with it. Being a woman in our society definitely comes...

Nothing Personal

Nothing Personal. We all say it. We all use it. Phrases I’ve heard it connected to are things like “It’s just business, nothing personal”, “Nothing personal, but I think you…”, “You understand, it’s nothing...