The Who, The What and The Why
The world used to be based on the idea of Who you are ruling all. Whether you were a Duke or a Princess, from a noble family or a penniless nothing begging in the street. We like to think we’ve moved past this ideal. We like to think that we are no longer driven by backdoor dealings where money changes hands to give the rich more power and the poor are left to just survive. We have changed the Who to a What, but the question remains the same. Are you a Teacher, an Executive or Fast Food Counter Staff? We will judge you on the What no matter your response. We say we don’t. We say we have all started low and been in that role, but as we rise through the ranks we move from a realm of understanding to an attitude of arrogant delusion as we change history with the inflation of our personal triumphs on the battle fields of career. In reality we should strive to be nothing more than the first years of our birth. The years when we understood no concept of power, no concept of status, be it title or career. When the only thing that drove us was finding an answer not to the questions of Who or What, but to the most important question of all. Why?