Nothing Personal. We all say it. We all use it. Phrases I’ve heard it connected to are things like “It’s just business, nothing personal”, “Nothing personal, but I think you…”, “You understand, it’s nothing personal” and a variety of other ways we use these two words to try to convince the people we are talking to that we are not directing our comments to them.

Personally, I think we are all full of it.

We are all people and we’re now living in a global community, more inter-connected with every passing day. Our world is changing and evolving, a fact that I witness daily in my professional career as we move towards a place where the consumer has the strongest voice. People are making a difference by putting their thoughts, their opinions, their passions out there for others to support or disagree with. Face it boys and girls, everything we do is personal!

As human beings we are defined by our relationships, they are what we live for, what we spend hours of our days investing our time in to, so why are we kidding ourselves but saying it’s not personal? Everything we do is personal and if we all took a few moments out of each day to put ourselves in another person’s shoes, we might start to see the person we’re reasoning away by using those two impersonal words.