What is Nine Letter Logic?

Everything we do in life has some form of logic to it, even if it only makes sense to us. We build our perceptions on every situation we encounter based on it. Over time it might shift as we grow and learn, but at the end of the day, we still all maintain a logic that is all our own. There is no guarantee that everything posted to this site will always be inspiring, profound, or amusing but in this little corner of the universe, you’ll always get a sneak peek view of my logic, Nine Letter Logic, on everything happening in this crazy little thing we call life.

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Happy 34th Fine with Not Being Fine Birthday To Me!

Happy 34th Fine with Not Being Fine Birthday To Me!

At the start of my 34th year revolving around the sun, I'm looking back and coming to the realization I spent 32 years thinking I was learning everything I needed to know in life and 1 year finding out how wrong that thought was. On my birthday last year, I had just gone through about 6 weeks of symptoms and hospitalization. I had lost partial vision in my right eye, had vertigo that was so...

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Older Posts

Surviving The Nightmare That Is Mingling As An Adult

I haven’t written in soo long! And I could write an entire post about why and how my life has changed, but that probably wouldn’t be that interesting for anyone, so let’s just pretend there isn’t like a two-year gap in this blog and all move on, like that never even...

The Who, The What and The Why

The world used to be based on the idea of Who you are ruling all. Whether you were a Duke or a Princess, from a noble family or a penniless nothing begging in the street. We like to think we've moved past this ideal. We like to think that we are no longer driven by...

The B-Words

Something has been eating away at me lately. I won't even say lately, because it has probably been there my entire life in different aspects and quantity. To be honest, it all revolves around words. Words that have been directed at me. Words I've heard directed at...

Rom-Com Reminiscence on a Saturday Night

I am not one to talk much about my personal life publicly. In fact, it is very rarely that I even discuss my personal life with much detail to my closest friends. Anytime I do share something, it’s usually to one of my guy friends because most of the time they just...

Happy Hectic Holidays!

The holiday season can be the best and worst time for all of us. It can bring us together as families & friends and make us go out of our way to help others. It can also drive us absolutely crazy from the amount of money we spend, relatives we have to please and...

Overcome It All

At times we live in a violent and troubled world. It seems we all have points where we struggle with the idea of morals, our personal set of beliefs that we follow on a day to day basis. Those lines we are willing to live our lives between and still be able to sleep...

Sometimes It’s Something that Just Happens

I sit here just before the sun decides to take its rest, letting the cool breeze wash over my body while the porch steps beneath me slowly make me regret not having a front porch swing. The smell of fresh cut grass is all around me helping me to fight off that sleepy...

To My Dad

I told my dad I had a surprise gift that wasn't quite done yet today during his father's day lunch and he jokingly asked if it would be "on that Nine Letter Logic thing". Who am I to disappointed? We are all almost grown  up now Dad, but just wanted to give you a...

Take a Stance: Stop the Pantyhose

I'm a woman who grew up playing sports, tagging along with my brothers and having majority male friends, but over the years I've learned how to be comfortable with my gender and everything it brings with it. Being a woman in our society definitely comes with...

Nothing Personal

Nothing Personal. We all say it. We all use it. Phrases I've heard it connected to are things like "It's just business, nothing personal", "Nothing personal, but I think you...", "You understand, it's nothing personal" and a variety of other ways we use these two...

Genevieve Coates

Getting closer to the mid-thirty mark in life, I use this space to share some views, stories, life updates and other random pieces of writing. Writing has always been my go-to way of expressing myself and working through my thoughts.

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